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    Doing business in Norway

    There are many good reasons to invest in Norway. To make your journey into Norwegian business life as seamless as possible we have gathered essential information for you here.

    As a foreign investor or business looking to invest in Norway, you will find a lot of information to manoeuvre, and it may be challenging to locate what is relevant. Here you will find up-to-date and topical articles providing an insight into legal issues and solutions within our fields of expertise; real estate, taxes, labour law, transactions et al.

    To be able to make good investment decisions, it is important to understand the basic legal mechanisms of the Norwegian market. Dalan advokatfirma are here to help you to enter into the Norwegian market and be your contact and advisor when operating in the Norwegian marked. We believe this brief outline on relevant topics is a good starting point, and are ready to help with any specific issues you may have.


    Jon Norvald Evensen

    Contact here
    Pål Gude Gudesen

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    Svein Steinfeld Jervell

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    Trond Larsen

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    Kristian Bårseth


    Topic posts

    M&A: Purchase and sale of business entities in Norway. A guide to the process and legal aspects of acquisition of Norwegian enterprises.

    Corporate Contract law
    M&A: Purchase and sale of business entities in Norway. A guide to the process and legal aspects of acquisition of Norwegian enterprises.
    Purchasing and selling business entities require both planning and insight. This is especially the case for foreign buyers who must gain insight to the target company as well as the [...]
    Director’s liability under Norwegian law

    Corporate Company law
    Director’s liability under Norwegian law
    On personal liability of members of the board. Under Norwegian law, representatives of the company, including board members, the company CEO as well as shareholders, may be held personally liable [...]
    Norwegian company law – Limited liability companies

    Corporate Company law
    Norwegian company law – Limited liability companies
    1.     GENERAL Under Norwegian law, a limited company is a separate legal entity where the owner does not have responsibility for the obligations of the company. The owner’s liability is [...]
    Property law in Norway

    Property Real estate
    Property law in Norway
    1.     INTRODUCTION 1.1.    Property rights in Norway   In many ways, property rights have a special position in Norwegian society. Most citizens want to own their own property, unlike several [...]
    Employment and labour law in Norway

    Labour law
    Employment and labour law in Norway
    1.  INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1.1  Introduction Norwegian employment law (also called labor or labour law) is based on the principle of contractual freedom, though with statutory regulation in certain areas to [...]